Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I continue to struggle with defining my goals for 2013. I went on a search for podcasts to see if something would jump out and bite me, and I listened to a few different ones, in the interests of finding one or two that speak to me.

While doing do, one thing I heard that definitely resonated with me, was the idea of spending a half hour a day on personal growth and development. At first this seemed daunting... there aren't enough hours in a day as it is, so how can I come up with another half hour? But then I gave some consideration to multitasking.

There are a lot of elecronic resources available now, between podcasts and books/training on CDs... that this is something you can do while you do other things. Whether it be learning a language or listening to a lifecoach podcast, a half hour a day can be carved out while doing dishes, while waiting for anything, while driving to/from work or while enjoying your morning coffee.

So while I still haven't defined my goals for the year, I am committing to spending 30 minutes a day on personal development - and hopefully that will lead to me figuring out what I want to do next :)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Looking Forward

Now that I'm well entrenched in the new year, I've been giving some consideration to what I want the year to bring.

I've been trying and casting aside a couple of ideas, none of which seem sustainable or ring true to the person I am, and the person I want to be.

I tend to be a goal-oriented and results-driven person, so I've put a lot of pressure on myself to define goals - after all, as of right now, I have only 11.5 months to reach them, and the clock's ticking. Having said that, beyond knowing what my goal weight is, I have nothing defined. I have some vague sense of what I'd like my life to be like, and I guess this year will be about trying to make things more closely resemble that vision.

I'd like a life filled with laughter and silliness, with security and love. I'd like to feel at peace with myself, so that my actions are inline with my ideals. Vague sentiments, right? To turn this into action, I guess I need to figure out what's happening now that ISN'T in line with those things - what's prevented me from achieving this in the past - then take steps to change those factors. Hmmm... so much to think about...

Tick-tock, tick-tock....