Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blessed - Part Two

I've got great colleagues. My fellow finance team members are intelligent, and smart, and funny, and helpful, and I'd be proud to call any one of them a friend.

We've run into some issues over the last year or two with our leadership team, and the fact that they were, well...not really leading things at all - or if they were, certainly not in the right direction. Throughout all of the messes that they caused, though, the girls and I got things done. We plotted and planned, we worked our asses off, we bitched and moaned, we laughed and yelled, we argued and collaborated. We did all of the things that a great team do. There were times when I wanted to say "fuck it" and not meet a deadline, or call in sick, or even quit. What stopped me: the extra work that it would put on these ladies who work every bit as hard as I do, and the fact that they were right there with me. They're the ones who will go for a walk with you when you ask them to, without you needing to ask twice. They're the ones who will brainstorm with you and poke holes in your theories to help you make them better. They're the ones that cover your workload while you take a day off, so that you don't have a mountain waiting for you upon your return. They're the ones who notice when you're having an "off" day, and ask about it - and really listen to the answer - without judgement or disinterest. They're the ones that cheer you on when you take a stand for the right things, and talk you down when you're about to champion the wrong things. They're the best team a person could hope for, and I'm grateful for them, and truly blessed to have them in my life.

I'm grateful for my Dad. My Dad is a superhero in my eyes. This is not to say that he is perfect - every great hero has at least one flaw :) The simple fact is that he is a real man - one who puts his family first and truly does whatever it takes to not only support his family financially, but physically and emotionally, as well. I see how he will change things - both short- and long-term, to accomodate something that my Mom has asked of him. He will do this whether it matters to him or not, because it's not about whether or not it is important to him - what matters is that it's important to her, and he wants her to be happy. He takes care of his mother, and her house, while also being a partner to his wife, and taking care of their own house. He does all of this while working a full-time job that puts more demands and responsibility on him than should normally be expected of someone. He is active in his community and his church, and is always there whenever anyone needs him - offering his help in anyway he can. He does all of this and still manages to look out for his fully grown daughters... making sure we are safe, and happy, and healthy. Coordinating logistics of car repairs, making sure snow tires are put on the care in a timely manner, loaning fully-gassed up vehicles at a moment's notice - just to make life easier for us. He not only takes care of these logistical things, he does so happily. I grew up knowing that when he came in the door, every single day, he would embrace my mom and give her a passionate would then be followed by hugs for his girls. This happened without exception. He has shown me what a loving husband and father looks like, and has shown me what's possible in life. I'm so appreciative, every single day, for my Daddy :)

Wow - as I start typing things out, I start thinking of more and more people I need to make sure I add in here... this could become a whole series if I'm not careful :)

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