Monday, February 11, 2013


It was February of Last year that I started this blog. This same time last year that I began my weight-loss journey, and I'm still on that journey today.

I've now reached the next stage of the "PINK Method", and am therefore introducing both exercise, and some slow-burning carbs. I've been dreading the former, and looking forward to the latter.

The truth is, I HATE exercise - I hate the process, but I love the results, and I know that I will never see any lasting transformation unless it has a permanent place in my lifestyle. It's a necessary evil.

I truly wish that I could be one of those people (whom I generally find immeasurably irritating) that LOVES to exercise. They love the challenge, they love sweating, they love knowing that they're pushing themselves harder and further than they have before. They get a sense of accomplishment from it. They zone out while running, almost engaged in a moving meditation.

Alas, I don't think I'll ever be one of those people, and therein lies the problem. I read somewhere that when you struggle with your weight, unless you learn to LOVE exercise, you will ALWAYS struggle with your weight. You will slack off when you reach a size that you're content with, then have to start over again once you notice that you're slipping back into old habits (and into your older, larger-size jeans). The article encouraged the reader to explore all kinds of different fitness classes and active lifestyle options, with the objective of finding one that they enjoyed. After all, if you enjoy something, you're much more likely to get up and do it, because you WANT to do it.

This makes a lot of sense to me, and also fills me with panic. I've tried so many different types of classes, and none of them really appeal to me. They're all WORK - and for me, not a labor of love. So I'm left with a low-lying worry that I try not to listen to very often... Will I always struggle with my weight? Am I destined to watch the scale and my clothing size bobble back and forth, because the idea of excercising makes me want to curl up and take a nap?

I'm trying to block out those thoughts - those are the ones that discourage me and try to make me quit before I even start. Instead, I'm going to focus on the immediate benefits that come along with exercise (not the long-term ones, as those don't give the instant gratification that i'm all about). The vanilla and sweet almond-scented body wash that I get to use when I'm done my post-workout shower... My rich and delicious chocolate-banana post-workout smoothie... These are the things that keep me on track right now, and make me get up and do my workout. I wish I could think of more, but for now, that's all I got :)

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