Kisses and Hugs. We all know that they communicate to the people we care about - they can communicate passion, affection, caring, sorrow, support, love, and so many other things. They can be a way to show people how we feel, in addition to telling them.
Science has proven the benefits of hugs - physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Hugs increase levels of oxytocin and reduce blood pressure. Oxytocin triggers a "caring" or "bonding" response in both men and women, making them feel closer and more connected. When a person is hugged, their comfort level is increased, and it creates a feeling of security and trust between the people hugging.
On a side note, studies also indicate that when a hug lasts six seconds or longer, the release of oxytocin multiplies exponentially. Basically, when it becomes more than a hug - an embrace, I guess you'd call it. This is six seconds of true hugging, though. You know the kind I mean - when you don't get the feeling that the other person is thinking of pulling away, or is just there "putting time in", but is truly absorbed in the moment, like they never want to let go - that's where the magic happens.
Sometimes, in our day-to-day lives, as we hustle and bustle along, we forget about the importance and significance of kisses and hugs. While we give kisses hello, good-bye, and good-night at our house, I will admit that they are often cursory, at best. More like a gesture or a habit, than anything else.
Several sources suggest that everyone needs at least four hugs a day for healthy survival, eight hugs a day for emotional strength, and 12 hugs a day to really grow and be empowered. Stop and think about just how often you give or get a hug.
These thoughts make me realise that I have been taking my family for granted. The fact that I have these people here - willing participants for hugging and kissing; and the communication of so much love and caring, but I simply forget to do it. I think about all of the people out there in the world who don't have people in their lives every day to hug or kiss them, and I feel sad for them - and also ashamed with myself for taking these daily opportunities for granted.
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