Monday, June 18, 2012

When it Rains...

Things are busy right now... too busy.

They're busy at work... too much work to do, with not enough hours in the day in which to do it. Too few days in the week to accomplish both the tasks at hand, and the attend the meetings that are requested of me.

They're busy at home... we were looking at planning a family weekend getaway, and as we went through each weekend, we discovered that there was something that someone was committed to - every single weekend. We were basically left with Labour Day weekend, and quite frankly, I'm not willing to wait that long.

So we're left with week days...and July's too once we plan around the kids summer camp early August, my trip to New Jersey mid-August, and Greg's trip to Ohio (August as well), we're left with about three 3-day stretches from which to choose. Sigh... so much for a relaxing summer...

This all makes me feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I feel like life's getting out of control, and our priorities are way out of whack - both at work and at home. At work, we need to figure out where my time should be spent - what is most important - and prioritize things accordingly. At home, family is what should be coming first... so why is it that it's so hard to find a few days to spend together? I need to figure out what needs to be cut out of the equation, and convince the people impacted to get on board with eliminating some things.

So, it seems like when it rains, it pours - too much is going on, all at once. I wanna get off this ride - I'm feeling dizzy and a little bit ill... want to get back to basics and get things to stop spinning - just for a little while.

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