Monday, February 13, 2012

Room to Breathe

I spend a lot of time in my room. I work from home rather often, and since I don't have an office space set up and the living room tends to be chilly, my room tends to be "where it's at".

As I look around my room, though, I realize that it isn't what I had wanted it to be.

I had always pictured a place of calmness and serentity, with clean lines and simple decor; nature-based colors and a mild but pleasant scent. When we selected our furniture, wall-art, paint colors and layout, it was done with those objectives in mind. What happened? I ask myself. The simple answer is: We happened. The room was fine until we started spending time in it.

There are easily 6 loads of laundry in my room that need to be done. Up until last night, when I had finally had enough, approximately 4 of those were scattered over the floor. Now they're sorted and in hampers, but still need to be dealt with.

There have been clothes and miscellaneous "stuff" on the floor for probably about a year now. Yeah - that's right - a year. Meaning it's been a year since the floors have been swept and mopped to be truly clean. And really, if the laundry and floors haven't been touched, do you think we've dusted? No. About a month back, I organized and cleared off the tops of our dresser, our bedside stands, and the book ledges on either side of our bed. That stuff was cleaned and dusted at the time, but are yet again becoming a "dumping ground" for anything in our hands that we're too lazy to deal with right away.

So that mild and pleasant scent that I had hoped for? While I won't say that our room smells unpleasant, it doesn't smell fresh and clean, either. And how could it? The room itself is neither fresh nor clean. The Febreeze Noticeables Plug-In just isn't going to cover up for the fact that laziness has prevailed and general sloppiness has set in.

I'm trying to get the messy monster to remove its claws and allow us to escape to a safe haven of cleanliness. It started last night - that was the first big step. I need this momentum to continue, though. I need to carry on with the de-cluttering, cleaning, sorting, and tidying so I can feel like I'm getting my space back.

I need to be able to close my eyes, take a deep breath, and be able to picture myself in a relaxing, soothing environment. I also need to be able to open my eyes and know that I'm there.

Fingers crossed for continued momentum and efforts to bring me a room [in which] to breathe.

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