Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking Back

As I look back over 2012, I reviewed my blog posts over the year... I came across one I made back in February about the areas of my life on my "needs improvement" list. I began "assessing" these aspects of my life to determine what progress I had made. I figure as I move in to 2013, I should take stock of what I accomplished in 2012, and take things from there.
  • My health/my weight
This one is a mostly good news story. I lost 50 pounds, but gained back 20 of them. Since I'm down 30 overall, I'll put this one in the plus column. I also learned a lot about my body and about HOW I lose weight. I understand what I need to do - what brings me closer to my goals and what moves me further away from them.
  • My job satisfaction
Here's another good news story, although there's not really and "story" to tell, as I haven't really changed anything except my perception of things. I've come to the realization that I have a pretty good deal, here. I get paid fairly for the work that I do. I have the flexibility to work where I want (I often work from home) and when I want (the bosses don't care what day or at what time the work gets done, as long as it gets done correctly and by the deadline). I have the option to work overtime to supplement my income, but I no longer feel pressured into working it, or guilty when i choose not to. I truly feel satisfied with my job.
  • My living space
Another item for the plus column. My home, while not always spotless, is now tidy at least as often as it is messy. This is a big change, sad as that may sound. For the last few years, we avoided any "impromptu" visits, feeling embarrassed about the state of disarray that we lived in. This is no longer the case. Even when things are a bit "messy", it's only ever a couple of days' worth of mess, and so it doesn't take long to whip it back into shape. I also now have the willing participation of the rest of the family; while they are not yet in a place where they take the initiative to tidy, they do help out, when asked, with little to no grumbling about it.
  • My financial situation
I can't, unfortunately put this one solidly in the plus column - it's currently riding the fence. We are ending the year further in debt than we were when we started. There are several reasons for this, most notably our "Hail Mary" plays in and effort to salvage hubby's business. We can at least say that we did everything we could, though, so it wasn't all for nothing. Despite all that, I will say that I now feel more "in control" of our financial situation than I ever have before. We are spreadsheeted to within in inch of our lives, monitoring all inflows and outflows of money. Bills are paid in full, on time, every single month. We are starting to build a savings account, while also paying down debt. We are using credit cards to make most purchases, immediately transferring the money to cover the transaction, so we get the benefit of the travel miles without falling further into debt. We have mastered living within our means, which is a big win, in my books.
  • My family
This is another good news story. It was a year of transformation with our relationships this year, most especially between my husband and myself. Things were torn apart and rebuilt a couple of times, and they're stronger now than they have been for years. I can honestly say that we understand eachother better, and genuinely care for one another. We both want the other person to be happy, and are more focused on ensuring that happiness. We are better at giving eachother what they need, rather than what WE need. Regarding the family unit as a whole, we are in the early stages of working together as a team more often. While we want our kids to be able to simply enjoy being kids, they also need to recognize that having a place in the family comes with responsibility to ensuring the overall success of the family. It involves thinking and acting unselfishly, and with the benefit of the household in mind. While we're not there yet, we're on our way, and I see little glimmers and shining moments that give me hope.

Overall, 2012 was a great year, filled with many improvements. I'm better off than I was at the start of the year. My family is better off than they were at the start of the year. I now have the buy-in from the family, who understand that while change may feel uncomfortable and may involve some work and sacrifices, the results are absolutely worth it.

I haven't actually defined any specific goals for 2013, but I look forward to continuing to improve my life and the lives of my family in whatever ways we can. Looking back over the last year helps me to look forward to the next with confidence that I WILL meet my goals if I continue to work toward them.

Monday, December 24, 2012


I know it's Christmas, and not Thanksgiving, but I find myself looking back at the events of the last year and feeling really good about things.

This year, I'm healthier and stronger than I've ever been. I have clear goals and I know what will bring me closer to my goals, and what moves me further away. I know that I CAN be the person I want to be.

I have a good job, that pays me fairly for the work I do. I like the work I do - it offers a good balance of new challenges, while also having a basic routine so I can go on "auto-pilot" for a bit if I want to. I have the opportunity to work as much overtime as I like to boost the paycheque, but I rarely HAVE to work OT. I have the flexibility to work when I want, and where I want, so that I have a work/life balance that suits my family's needs.

I have 2 great kids that I love and who make me proud every day. I've watched them grow up to be these amazing people that I not only love, but actually like. I enjoy spending time hanging out with them - finding out what they think about things. I love that they have their own thoughts and ideas and unique views and interpretations about the world around us.

I have a wonderful husband who appreciates me and genuinely wants to see me happy. He is not afraid to admit when he's wrong, or to ask for help when the need arises. After being together for almost 18 years, we are still as much in love as we were in high school.

Our finances are stabilizing. While we're nowhere near where we ultimately want to be, we know what we need to do to get there, and we're steadfastly moving in that direction. We are working together to move toward our financial goals, and we're feeling less stress about money because we're more in control of it.

I have a great support system of family and friends who only want good things for me and who are always ready and willing to help in any way they can. I know that I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for having them in my life.

Looking back over 2012, I realize how fortunate I am, and I am incredibly thankful for everything good in my life.